2021 Cardiovascular Conference List|Yandao Medical Voice

Domestic meeting
January 15|Chinese Cardiac Surgeons Salon and Beijing Cardiovascular Disease Preventionand Treatment Association 2021 Annual Meeting|Online
January 15-16|CIPS2021 13th China Cardiac Pacing Summit Forum and 2021 ChinaInternational Cardiac Pacing Conference|Lingshui
January 22-23 | The 1st Wuhan Valvular Disease Forum (Chutian Forum) | Wuhan
(The meeting was postponed due to COVID-19, TBD)
March 16|Cangzhou Youth Intervention Forum|Cangzhou
March 19-20|The 7th Pengcheng Cardiovascular Forum|Shenzhen
March 26-28|2021 Xiaoxiang International Cardiovascular Disease Academic Conference(X2-ICC) and Hunan Provincial Committee of Cardiovascular Diseases Academic Annual Meeting|Changsha
March 26-28|The 8th Summit Forum on Cardiac Pacing and Lead Management andSymposium on Treatment of Infection and Complications of Heart Rhythm Implants|Beijing
April 16-17|The 6th Academic Conference of the Cardiology Interventional PhysicianBranch of the Jilin Provincial Medical Association and the 13th Jilin Province’s Salon ofInterventional Cardiology|Changchun
Apr 23-24 | The 6th YangZeRiver International Congress of Cardiology | Chongqing
April 23-24 | The 19th Progress of Heart Rhythm Management Online Conference | Hangzhou
April 23-25 | The 24th National Interventional Cardiology Forum | Suzhou
April 23-25 | The 11th Central China Cardiology Conference | Wuhan
April 24-30|CTOWEEK2021|Beijing
May 6-9|China Interventional Cardiology Conference (CIT) 2021|Beijing
May 13-16 | 2021 Chang'an International Cardiovascular Forum (CIC) | Xi'an
May 14-16 | The 13th Ventricular Arrythmia Symposium of China (VAS-CHINA2021)|Suzhou
May 17-22 | Xizi Cardiovascular Disease Joint Conference | Hangzhou
May 21-23 | 2021 Zhongyuan Complex Coronary Artery Disease Interventional TherapySeminar (CCIT2021) | Zhengzhou
May 26-30 | The 15th Oriental Cardiology Conference (OCC2021) | Shanghai
June 4-6|The 12th International Cardiovascular Disease Drug Therapy Summit Forum|Beijing
June 4-6|The 14th Jiangsu Heart Rhythm Management Forum|Nanjing
June 12-13|The 12th Macau Annual Forum on Interventional Cardiovascular Diseases|Macao
June 17-20|2021 Northeast Cardiovascular Disease Forum|Shenyang
June 18-19 | The 6th CTO Reverse Intervention Therapy Summit Forum | Guangzhou
June 19-20|The 4th Summit Forum on Blood Lipid, Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar,Thrombosis (4B) Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerotic Thrombosis Diseases and China Cholesterol EducationProgram (CCEP) 2021|Beijing
June 25-26|Guangxi Cardiovascular Disease Forum and Guangxi Symposium onInterventional Diagnosis and Treatment of Complex Coronary Artery Lesions (2021)|Nanning
June 25-27|The 12th Ningxia International Cardiovascular Forum|Yinchuan
June 25-27 | The 17th Huaihai Cardiovascular Forum | Xuzhou
June 26-27|The 6th Cardiovascular Clinical Case Discussion and Innovation and Chest PainForum|Beijing
July 1-3|The 15th China Midwest Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases|Chongqing
July 1-4 | The 16th Bingcheng Cardiovascular Disease Conference | Harbin
July 2-4 | Central China Cardiovascular Disease Conference 2021 (C4) | Zhengzhou
July 5-11 | 2021 Zhijiang Heart Rhythm and Circulation Forum | Hangzhou
July 9-10 | China Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation Forum andGuangdong Heart Failure Forum | Guangzhou
July 9-11|The 11th International Conference on Cold Cardiology|Harbin
July 12-15|The 17th Haihezhibin Cardiology Conference|Tianjin
July 16-18|2021 China County Health Conference|Suzhou
July 16-18|China Medical Promotion Association Cardiovascular Branch Annual Meetingand 2021CICI&CISC|Beijing
July 16-18 | The 11th Prairie Cardiovascular Disease Conference (GCC) | Hohhot
July 16-18|The 17th Yellow River International Conference on Cardiology|Jinan
July 19-25 | China Valve (Hangzhou) | Hangzhou
July 22-25 | The 14th Dunhuang International Cardiovascular Conference | Lanzhou
July 28-31 | 2021 Xi'an International Cardiovascular Disease Forum and the 26th Xijing-MayoClinic Cardiovascular Diseases Symposium | Xi'an
August 6-7 | Vascular Disease Multidisciplinary Collaboration Forum and Greater Bay AreaAntithrombotic Forum | Guangzhou
August 6-8|The 14th Tongji Cardiovascular Disease Summit and Central China InternationalHeart Disease Conference 2021|Wuhan
August 12-15 | Zhejiang Medical Association Annual Meeting of Cardiovascular Diseases | Hangzhou
August 20-22|The 15th Western Great Wall Cardiology Conference|Urumqi
August 20-22|The 3rd International Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases ofConfucianism, Taoism and Psychology|Hefei
August 26-28 | The 11th International Changbai Mountain Intervention Forum and the 22ndCardiovascular Disease Academic Conference of Jilin Province and the 9th "China PrimaryCardiovascular Disease Conference" | Changchun
August 27-29 | The 12th "Book Heart Sword Rhythm" Forum for Young Doctors | Ningbo
September 2-5 | The 6th Northwest Cardiovascular Forum (NWCF2021) and the 2ndCardiovascular Innovation and Transformation Salon | Xi'an
September 3-5 | 2021 Atherosclerosis Translational Medicine Summit Forum and ShanghaiJiaotong University Heart Forum | Shanghai
September 13-19|China Structural Week 2021 and the 5th China International StructuralHeart Disease Conference|Beijing
September 16-19|China Heart Conference (CHC) 2021|Beijing
September 16-19|The 15th Qianjiang International Cardiovascular Conference (QICC2021)|Hangzhou
September 16-19|The 19th Cardiac Revascularization Symposium|Nanjing
September 24-25|Pan Vascular Medicine and Health Innovation Engineering Forum|Shenzhen
September 24-25 Day | Sichuan coronary intervention in complex coronary cases salon-cumdemonstration | Chengdu
October 15th|"The Voice of Bohai" Precision Therapy Workshop|Cangzhou
October 15-17|2021 GREAT Acute Coronary Syndrome Summit Forum, the 4th JLCC JinlingCardiovascular Disease Conference|Nanjing
October 21-24|China Interventional Therapy Club for Chronic Coronary Occlusion Disease(CTOCC2021)|Shanghai
October 22-23|The 5th Shenyang Conference on Coronary Endovascular Imaging (SCI2021)|Shenyang
October 23-24|The 7th Southeastern Heart Forum|Shantou
October 27-30 | The 9th Zhejiang Greentown Forum | Hangzhou
October 29-31|The 32nd Great Wall International Conference on Cardiology|Asian Heart AssociationConference 2021|Beijing
November 4-7|The 16th National Symposium on New Advances in Arrhythmia andElectrocardiology and 2021 China Medical Promotion Association China Medical Arrhythmia andElectrocardiology Forum|Boao
November 5-7|The 11th China Chest Pain Center Conference (CCPCC 2021)|Guangzhou
November 5-7|2021 Chengdu International Conference on Interventional Therapy of HeartValve Disease|Chengdu
November 11-13 | The 12th Huanghe Cardiovascular Conference | Zhengzhou
November 11-14|The 23rd National Cardiovascular Conference of the Chinese MedicalAssociation and the 12th Cross-Strait Cardiovascular Disease Summit Forum|Xiamen
November 19-21|2021 China-ASEAN Coronary Heart Disease Intervention Summit Forumand the 18th Guangxi Coronary Heart Disease Intervention Forum|Nanning
November 26-28|Peking University Advanced Course of Coronary Intervention (PUCC2021)|Beijing
December 2-4 | The 13th Left Main and Coronary Artery Bifurcation Summit (CBS 2021) |Nanjing
December 2-5 | Cardiovascular Frontier Conference (CUC) | Hangzhou
December 3-5 | Jiangsu Medical Association Annual Meeting of Cardiovascular Diseases |Wuxi
December 3-5 | China Cardiovascular Health Conference 2021 | Suzhou
December 3-5|The 14th Yixian International Cardiovascular Forum (CVF2021)|Guangzhou
December 15-18 | "The 16th Xijing International Complex Coronary Intervention ConferenceCCIT2021 and the 12th CCIT Young Doctor Forum" | Xi'an
December 17-19|Asian Society of Cardiology Annual Meeting|Shenzhen
December 23-24|The 13th Interventional Therapy Summit for Chronic Total OcclusiveDiseases (CTO PCI SUMMIT, CPS)|Beijing
International conference
March 26-28 | 2021 85th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Circulatory Society (JCS2021) 2021World Congress of Cardiology (WCC2021) | Japan-Yokohama
April 11-14 | 2021 European Society of Hypertension/International Society of HypertensionJoint Meeting (ESH ISH2021) | UK-Glasgow
April 22-25 | ESC Cardiovascular Biomedical Frontiers Conference (FCVB) 2021 | Hungary Budapest
April 23-25 | European Heart Rhythm Association Annual Meeting 2021 (EHRA2021) | OnlineConference
April 24-26|2021 26th Asia-Pacific Transcatheter Cardiovascular Intervention Conference(TCTAP2021)|Korea-Seoul
May 15-17|The 70th Annual Meeting of the American College of Cardiology (ACC2021) in2021|Atlanta, USA
May 18-21|EuroPCR2021--European Cardiovascular Interventional Medicine Conference|France-Paris
June 9-12|Structural Heart Disease Summit 2021 (TVT2021)|USA-Chicago
June 17-19|2021 International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery AnnualMeeting (ISMICS2021)|Poland-Warsaw
June 23-26|2021 Congenital, Structural and Valvular Heart Disease Interventional TherapyConference in Frankfurt, Germany (CSI FRANKFURT 2021)|Frankfurt, Germany
July 28-31|2021 American Heart Rhythm Society Annual Scientific Meeting (HRS2021)|
United States-Boston
August 28-September 1 | 2021 European Society of Cardiology Annual Meeting (ESC2021) |
October 22-26|2021 American Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapy Seminar/Annual
Meeting (TCT2021)|USA-San Francisco
October 28-30 | Japan Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics Conference 2021 (CCT2021) |
October 28-31|2021 Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society Annual Meeting/Scientific
Conference (APHRS2021)|China-Shanghai
November 4-7|The 30th Asian Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons
(ATCSA) Annual Meeting in 2021|Thailand-Bangkok
November 13-15|2021 American Heart Association Annual Meeting/Scientific Conference
(AHA2021)|United States-Boston
The meeting list is continuously updated! ! !
If there are omissions or errors in the meeting information, you are welcome to sendyour feedback to your email or telephone:
Email: ydys@drvoice.cn
Phone: 010-68871243