3390 人次

Post-EuroPCR 2021Highlights Symposium (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator: 許榮城
  • 謝宜璋 : OPENING
  • Chair: 李文領
  • 黃偉春 : Meta-analysis of elective coronary revascularisation vs. medial therapy alone
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 高憲立
  • 朱俊源 : Impact of successful CTO PCI on clinical outcomes of patients with reduced LVEF
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 顧博明
  • 黃群耀 : 7.5 years follow-up after OCT-guided PCI: report form the CLIO-PCI registry
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 張其任
  • 黃啟宏 : Complete versus incomplete revascularization in NSTEMI patients
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 林錦生
  • 方修御 : First machine learning derived risk score for target lesion failure
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 許榮城
  • 鄭錦昌 : TAVR for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis in low surgical risk population
  • Q/A

The updated PCI for LM/BF lesions (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator: 鄭正一
  • Chair: 張其任
  • 黃啟宏 : Very long -term outcome of LM PCI: 10- year results of SYNTAX and PRECOMBAT
  • Chair: 郭風裕
  • 蔡政廷 : EBC consensus for LM PCI
  • Chair: 陳清埤
  • 李文領 : PCI for calcified left main lesion
  • Chair: 張詩聖
  • 詹世鴻 : Two stent vs provisional stenting
  • Chair: 鄭正一
  • 林佳濱 : Optimization of left main stent: intravascular image
  • Chair: 劉尊睿
  • 盧澤民 : Optimization of left main stent: technical issue

Luncheon Symposium(Abbott) (7月31日)

  • 王奇彥(台中榮總) : How to minimize Risks of HBR Group Between Ischemia&Bleeding
  • MODERATOR:林俊呈(嘉義榮總)
  • 蔡維哲(三軍總院) : Using OCT for Decision-making-Coronary Imagine in Daily Practice
  • MODERATOR:馬光遠(高市聯合)
  • 鄧欣一(台北榮總) : Optimized PCI In High Risk Patients:To decrease the risk of Complication
  • Closing Remarks : 許榮城

Precision PCI - imaging and physiology guided intervention (7月31日)

  • 許榮城 : OPENING
  • Chair: 王志鴻
  • 劉原彰 : A practical guide to reading Multi-slice CT coronary angiography : How to avoid mistakes when assessing different patterns of coronary artery disease
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 王光德
  • 吳道正 : Role of the Instantaneous Wave-free Ratio or Fractional Flow Reserve to Guide PCI : user experience sharing
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 廖智冠
  • 顧博明 : OCT-Guided PCI: it's advantages and limitations
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 盧澤民
  • 林佳濱 : IVUS-Guided PCI: it's advantages and limitations
  • Q/A
  • 陳清埤 : CLOSING

From dissection to perforation, How to treat? (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator: 劉俊廷
  • OPENING : 黃瑞仁
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 王志鴻
  • 劉力瑋(台南市立) : Management of iatrogenic aortocoronary dissection
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 殷偉賢
  • 李文領(台中榮總) : Rota- induced Perforation
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 陳清埤
  • 李建和(高雄長庚) : Application of covered stents in coronary perforation
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 許榮城
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 劉俊廷
  • 陳玠宇(台北國泰) : Guide the Road to Seal the Leak
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 方慶章
  • 郭風裕(高雄榮總) : Application of autologous fat in management of coronary perforation
  • Q/A
  • 方慶章 : CLOSING


  • Moderator: Jun-Jack Cheng, Hyo-Soo Kim
  • Panelist: In-Ho Chae, Cheol Woong Yu, Ying-Hwa Chen, Mao-Shin Lin
  • Hyo-Soo Kim : OPENING
  • Myeong-Ki Hong : Clinical outcomes of TAVI in native aortic valve in patients with low coronary height
  • Discussion
  • Ying-Hwa Chen : How to Mitigate Conduction Disturbances Following TAVR with selfexpanding valves ?
  • Hyo-Soo Kim : Strategy to overcome PVL or CAVB
  • Discussion
  • Mao-Shin Lin : Neurocognitive trajectory following TAVR
  • Discussion
  • Jun-Jack Cheng : CLOSING

CTO (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator:許柴城
  • 謝宜璋 : OPENING
  • Chair:羅秉漢
  • 高惠立 : Structured approach according to algorithms
  • Chair:殷倬贤
  • 吳炯仁 : Why and when should we recanalize CTO?
  • Chair:許榮城
  • 虚澤民 : Antegrade techniques
  • Chair:王志鴻
  • 張其任 : Retrograde techniques
  • Chair:方鏖章
  • 黄度昌 : Complications and salvage
  • Chair:蔡政廷
  • 郭風裕(高雄榮總) : My best and worst case of 2020
  • 曹殿萍 : CLOSING

Luncheon Symposium (Novo Nordisk) (7月31日)

  • 吳彥雯 : Opening
  • 吳卓鍇 : The Emerging Role of Novel GLP-1 RAs in the Managengt of T2DM
  • ALL : Discussion
  • 吳彥雯 : Closing

Toolbox for the calcium, coronary and peripheral (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator: 曹殿萍 (Coronary)、徐中和 (Peripheral)
  • 謝宜璋 : OPENING
  • Chair: 方慶章
  • Yu-Ho Chen : Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy for Calcified Coronary Lesions
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 鄭正一
  • Jack Tan : Orbital atherectomy for the calcified coronary lesions
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 吳炯仁
  • Ito Yoshiaki : The state-of-art of rotational atherectomy for calcified coronary lesions
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 鄭書孟
  • 李文領 : Excimer laser atherectomy for calcified coronary lesions
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 曹殿萍
  • Takashi Kubo : Image-guided PCI in the treatment of calcified coronary lesion
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 許栢超
  • 徐中和 : The Armamentarium of Endovascular Intervention to Fight Calcified PAD in Taiwan
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 李政翰
  • Bryan Yan : Real World Experience of Shockwave in PAD
  • Q/A
  • Chair: Steven Kum
  • Chong Tze Tec : Real World Experience of Orbital Atherectomy in PAD
  • Q/A
  • Chair 蔡明龍
  • 王駿丞 : Real World Experience of Rotablation in PAD
  • Q/A
  • 徐中和 : CLOSING


  • A. Coronary CTO
  • Moderators:郭風裕,劉世奇
  • Panelists:周柏青,鄭正忠,陳盈憲,蘇峻弘
  • 李卓翰(員林基督) : Case Ⅰ Presentation
  • 傅浩能(振興醫院) : Case Ⅱ Presentation
  • 魏丞駿(新光醫院) : Case Ⅲ Presentation
  • The Best Challenging Cases & Announcement-Vote
  • B. CHIP PCI & Complication
  • Moderators:王志鴻,李文領
  • Panelists:鄭曉揚,陳業鵬,李政翰,李俊偉
  • 余安立(臺大醫院) : Case Ⅰ Presentation
  • 呂孟穎(台東馬偕) : Case Ⅱ Presentation
  • 陳忠佑(臺北榮總) : Case Ⅲ Presentation
  • 王志偉(亞大附醫) : Case Ⅳ Presentation
  • 林俊彣(大林慈濟) : Case V Presentation
  • 陳威仲(臺中榮總) : Case VI Presentation
  • The Best Challenging Case & Announcement-Vote
  • C. EVT
  • Moderators:徐中和,吳承學
  • Panelists:張釗監,謝慕揚,魏日華,張偉俊
  • 張靜芬(中國附醫) : Case Ⅰ Presentation
  • 劉家豪(中國附醫) : Case Ⅱ Presentation
  • 林哲光(奇美醫院) : Case Ⅲ Presentation
  • The Best Challenging Case & Announcement-Vote

Luncheon Symposium(Sanofi) (7月31日)

  • 劉尊睿(台中榮總) : Opening
  • 賴志泓(台中榮總)
    劉尊睿(台中榮總) : 2021 Post-ACC Highlights-Focus on Antiplatelet after PCI
  • 劉尊睿(台中榮總)
    謝宜璋(林口長庚) : Discussion
  • 謝宜璋(林口長庚) : Closing

Peripheral Vessel Acute Thrombus Management (7月31日)

  • Digital Moderator: 李政翰
  • 徐中和 : OPENING
  • Acute Limb Ischemia (ALI) Management
  • Chair 李任光
  • 甘宗旦 : ALI – Introduction and Surgical Viewpoint
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 曾維功
  • 梁懷文 : ALI – Role of Catheter Directed Thrombolysis
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 謝慕揚
  • 盧炯睿 : ALI – Role of Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomy
  • Q/A
  • Acute VTE Management
  • Chair: 陳怡芝
  • 吳承學 : Acute VTE Management: Taiwan Guideline
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 許栢超
  • 吳典育 : Endovascular Treatment for Acute DVT
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 張偉俊
  • 王駿丞 : Mechanical thrombectomy for acute pulmonary embolism
  • Q/A
  • 李政翰 : CLOSING


  • D. Structural
  • Moderators:宋思賢,劉尊睿
  • Panelists:陳郁志,黃啟宏,鄭錦昌,陳科維
  • 陳東藝(林口長庚) : Case Ⅰ Presentation
  • 李永在(振興醫院) : Case Ⅱ Presentation
  • 陳俊安(台大兒童醫院) : Case Ⅲ Presentation
  • The Best Challenging Cases & Announcement-Vote
  • 劉尊睿(台中榮總) : CLOSING REMARK

Symposium醫事人員繼續教育課程 (8月1日)

  • Digital Moderator: 李素珠
  • 謝宜璋 : OPENING
  • Chair: 曾欽煇
  • 蔡維哲(三軍總院) : PCI wire 的選擇或基本構造、基本進階的使用方法
  • Q/A & Discussion
  • Chair: 王鳳花
  • PAD-special procedure
  • Q/A & Discussion
  • Chair: 李素珠
  • 黃建龍 : 併發症處理或在處理時應注意事項
  • Q/A & Discussion
  • Break
  • Chair: 林瓊枝
  • 藍偉仁 : 機械循環支持在高危心血管病介入治療中的應用,如 PCPS。
  • Q/A & Discussion
  • Chair: 黃國賓
  • 鄭以諾 : 心導管輻射防護懶人包
  • Q/A & Discussion
  • 黃銘玲 : CLOSING

The contemporary Pharmacotherapy in PCI (8月1日)

  • Digital Moderator: 施俊明
  • 殷偉賢 : OPENING
  • Chair: 高憲立
  • 黃慶昌 : When to give short DAPT post-PCI? How to choose stent?
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 盧澤民
  • 黃建龍 : Is single antiplatelet therapy after PCI safe? How to choose it?
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 施俊明
  • 陳鉞忠 : Dural therapy versus triple therapy to patients with atrial fibrillation following PCI
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 鄭正忠
  • 林錦生 : Strateges of Escalation and de-escalation of p2y12 after PCI
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 曹殿萍
  • 曹承榮 : The reduced dose of prasugrel in ACS patients in our population
  • Q/A
  • 洪大川 : CLOSING

Hot topics of PCI in ACS (8月1日)

  • 程俊傑 : OPENING
  • Chair: 任勗龍
  • 曹殿萍 : What will I do for ACS patients with cardiogenic shock or impending shock
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 高憲立
  • 蘇界守 : What will I do for culprit vessel with large thrombus?
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 黃啟宏
  • 鄭正一 : For complex lesions: Should I do the case or send him/her to the surgeon?
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 常敏之
  • 林宗憲 : What antiplatelet will I choose for particular subgroup of patients in ACS?
  • Q/A
  • Chair: 王光德
  • 蔡政廷 : FFR-guided PCI or MVD PCI in ACS?
  • Q/A
  • 李文領 : CLOSING

Transcatheter Management for Structural Heart Diseases: Tips and Tricks (8月1日)

  • Digital Moderator: 傅雲慶,陳嬰華
  • 王主科 : OPENING
  • Chair:王主科
  • 鍾宏濤 : Transcatheter closure of Patent Ductus Arteriosus:Tips and tricks
  • Chair:王主科
  • 洪偉力 : Transcatheter closure of Atrial Septal Defect: Tips and Tricks
  • Chair:傅雲慶
  • 林明志 : Transcatheter management for Ventricular Septal Defect: Tips and Tricks
  • Chair:傅雲慶
  • 王玠能 : Balloon Dilatation in Congenital Heart Disease
  • Chair:傅雲慶
  • 陳俊安(台大兒童醫院) : Balloon Dilatation in Congenital Heart Disease
  • Break
  • Chair:李必昌
  • 傅雲慶 : Transcutaneous transapical approach for treatment of SHD
  • Chair: 許榮城
  • 宋思贤 : Triclip for severe TR- an update
  • Chair:殷偉贤
  • 曹殿萍 : Cerebral embolic protection using Sentinel device during TAVR- tips andtricks
  • Chair:谢宜璋
  • 陈俊吉 : Management of acute post TAVI PVL
  • Chair:陈嬰華
  • 邱正安 : Valve-in-valve TAVR : tips tricks and special considerations
  • 李必昌 : CLOSING