36381 人次
Boston Scientific EP Seminar(波士顿科学电生理大讲堂) (2016-7-30)
Prof. Han Yaling Prof. Wang Zulu : Welcome Speech/欢迎致辞
Prof. Sunny Po : Differential diagnosis of wide-complex tachycardia/宽QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断
Prof. Sunny Po : Signal Processing and noise reduction/信号处理和导管室降噪
Prof. Wang Zulu : Differential diagnosis of narrow-complex tachycardia/窄QRS心动过速的鉴别诊断
ALL : Case 1 report and discussion/病例报告和讨论1
ALL : Case 2 presentation and discussion/病例报告和讨论2
Prof. Sunny Po : Unipolar mapping for atrial and ventricular tachycardia mapping/单极标测在房性和室性心动过速中的应用
Prof. Lin Jiaxiong : Technical tips and clinical benefit for placing CS catheter through IVC/经下腔途径放置冠状窦标测导管的技巧和临床优势
Prof. Wang Zulu : Para His Pacing/希氏束旁起搏技术
Prof. Wang Zulu : High Resolution Electroanatomical Mapping Technology Overview/高密度电解剖标测技术概述